Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blog #2

I felt very strongly about Culture Jam and chose to write my second blog about that material.  The strongest opinion I have on this material is about today's media.  I feel that the media has negative affects on us as a society and the media mainly announces negative events.  In the book a passage that really stuck out to me was, "In today's media enviroment, advertisers rule-the sponsor is king.  That ideology is now so entrenched within media circles as to have become an unspoken operational code.  Lessons about power, privilege and access are learned at the lower levels by young writers who take this received wisdom with them as they move up the media ladder.  From the smallest community weeklies to the big city and national dailies, from Forbes and Details and Cosmo to the NBC, ABC AND CBS networks, our whole social communications system is rotten to the core."  The media controls our life even though we may not realize it.  That's how people know how to dress like and what popular celebrities are dating other celebrities.  We try to be like all the famous people and worry about what they are doing.  I think the media is annoying and you will not catch me watching news channels or pop channels.  I watch sportscenter a lot but it even annoys me by negative news stories, such as Tiger Woods or Lebron James.  I come from a small town and live on a farm, so in my free time i'm usually working on the farm and don't have a lot of time to watch TV or listen to the radio.  The media has been changing our lives and people do not even realize it.  Like Lasn states, "It has happened so gradually that hardly anyone has noticed.  Those who have clued in apparently figure it's best to ignore the shit and just keep dancing." It's a shame in my opinion how much we are almost zombie like today and the only question that keeps presenting itself in my head is what is it going to be like in another 100 years.  I can only hope something changes and my children do not have to go through life without enjoying nature such as I have working on the farm and hunting.  I will probably limit my children's exposure to the media as much as I can.  What if anything do you think you will limit your children from doing involving media?  


  1. I think that the only thing that will limit our children is our responsibility as adults to our children. Yet, despite our best efforts to shelter our children from the media/consumer frenzy we live in today, it's certain that they will engage in the media somewhere...we can turn our home TV's off, but what about their friends, what about school? It's all around us. Is there a solution?

  2. I completely agree with your points of the media. The media unfortunately I do not foresee changing what they cover. I don't believe that is something we can necessarily shelter ourselves or upcoming generations from. I agree with our professor... even if we don't watch TV, don't read the newspaper, people are still going to talk about the items they read or hear in the media. It's sad to think what our society has come to. The media is not just an outlet of breaking news, but is also the place to find the new hottest trends, new products being advertised. As of right now there is no solution-- it is something out of our control.

  3. I agree with your point that a lot of times we don't realize just how much the shows on television affect who we are. We had an older couple over at our house just this past weekend and the husband was talking about how he can barely stand to watch tv anymore because every time he changes the channel there's always something offensive on each one. It's sad but it's definitely true.

  4. The whole media thing you were talking about is almost exactly what I think about. I love the fact that you work on a farm and you aren't like some of the stuck up kids we know today that are all about the media and gaming. It's about time people actually use their resources around them instead of sitting inside and gaming. I can't stress enough how much the media hurts our society. For example you talked about Tiger Woods. Well when he was accused of cheating on his wife, EVERYBODY in the world (basically) knew what he had done and it was sick to me. Why is it so important for people to express what these celebrities do outside the sports world. I don't understand. Maybe you can explain that to me? lol

    Honestly I just think gaming can be a factor if you have no self-control. If you have self-control your perfectly okay.

  5. I agree that media has a negative affect on us as a society and no one really realizes it. People are always passing on the media and it becomes most every causal conversation. People get so involved in the media they they lose track of their own lives. It's sad! People see what the celebrities are wearing and they instantly want the shoes they are wearing or the shirt they have on and then comes in the addiction of consumption. People are always wanting more. They can never be satisfied with what they have. Because the celebrities have it, they want it to feel accepted in society. There is not only a couple of these media stories on, but very many! It's hard to avoid them.

  6. I totally agree with you about the media becoming annoying. I do not watch the news for the same reasons as you. They just show the side of the story they want to show, not always what is necessarily true. I watch Sports Center as well, and found it totally disgusting how much coverage LeBron James got when he was deciding where to play. I think it says a lot about our country when a basketball player gets more publicity than what is actually going on in our government.
