Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Hi, my name is Justin Morris and I am a junior here at Ship.  I also wrestle here at Ship and wrestle 125 pounds.  Outside of school and wrestling I like to hunt, fish and hangout with friends.  I am a secondary education geography major and want to someday become an athletic director.  I was interested in this class because I was always good with history and english in high school and thought I could do well in this class and use it as a general education credit.  The last book I read was called Trouble Shooter by Louie L'amore, which was an old western novel.  I am not a big music person, but I do watch a lot of movies.  I really enjoy an action movie with a lot of suspense.  I watch some TV when i'm not busy wrestling or hunting.  I mainly watch ESPN, History, and the Discovery channels.  As for my past experiences in literature, I had a senior english class where we read a lot of the same material that is covered in this class and we were involved in a lot of discussions about the material, which I think will benefit me for this literature class.  In my opinion literature is a creative writing and an art.  I am excited for class and look forward to meeting and getting to know the rest of you.      


  1. My husband is a hunter as well. There's some beautiful land around Newville to hunt :) Welcome to class.

  2. There is a lot of great ground to hunt around the area and I like spending time outside and getting away from all of the noise. Thanks for the welcome message, I'm excited.

  3. Wow! I think it's awesome that you wrestle for Ship! I was going to play a sport here too, but didn't. Good luck with your matches! It's also cool that you'd like to become an athletic director. Sounds like a fun job! I'm looking forward to getting to know you more! See you soon!

  4. Maybe some time I will come to a wrestling match this semester (even though you said you are out for the season in class)! I hope you have a quick speedy recovery! I do not hunt, but I enjoy fishing. I have a lake house and do some fishing up there. I also enjoy watching movies... action movies are always so exciting and suspenseful. Can't wait to get to know you more throughout the semester!

  5. That's cool that you wrestle for Ship! I've only been fishing a couple of times when I was younger but I definitely plan on going again. I have to admit I never use to like watching action movies until my brother got me into some of them. I look forward to getting to know you this semester! Cya in class!

  6. I never really went hunting but I always wanted to get my license and try it. It sounds like a lot of fun just a lot of patience to go along with it. I always watch ESPN too haha it's kinda addicting. Well, I look forward to getting to know you better in class. Cya there
