Friday, February 4, 2011

This is Blog #3 Dummy

So are we the dumbest generation?  I don't think we are because we are the most technologically advanced generation.  However do most of us answer questions with stupid answers, I would have to say yes.  In my opinion I think what it comes down to is retaining information that we have learned in school.  I believe that since we are so advanced in technology that it is too accesible for us to just get on the computer, phone, or any other device and find the answer to a question.  Since we have this accessibility we have no reason to retain information.  This all comes back to us being lazy.  I mean why would you read a textbook in college if the professor says that their tests are only on vocab.  I am pretty confident in saying that myself and my peers would go through and highlight the vocab and use it to study, which completely skips the rest of the information in the textbook.  We always seem to take the easy way out and that doesn't just include our generation, but every generation.  I mean would you rather rubs sticks together to start a fire or would you like to use a lighter?  Our generation just has new technology, which makes it so much easier and faster to find information instead of doing it the old way and involving hard work.  Someday something faster and easier even yet will come out and the generations after us will be called dumb and lazy by our generation.  So to conclude I would have to agree with Mark Bauerlein, that we may seem like the dumbest generation right now, but he is part of the dumbest generation before us.  If you think about it in a way I guess you could say we are the smartest because we make inventions that make daily life easy for us, but doesn't this also make us dumb because it affects our health and nature by making us lazy.  It's a tough argument to make either way, but I don't think my generation is dumb.  We just look dumb to the older dumb generations if that makes any sense....


  1. It's true. We are a "technology advanced" generation, not a "dumb" generation. Using technology makes things so easy for us. It's not that we don't want to retain information, I think we just easily forget it. I don't think that makes us stupid though. I would, however, say we are lazy. We don't go overboard when it comes to reading or studying, we do the bare minimum. If people think we are lazy, then I don't want to know what they are going to say about the future generations to come! Technology will probably be so much more advanced than it already is. Then what?

  2. I really agree with a lot of the points you made. I liked the analogy that you used when you said "why would you read a textbook in college if the professor says that their tests are only on vocab". This is a good example to explain why we are the way we are. If we have the technology to make something in our lives easier then yes why are we going to revert back to the more difficult way of doing a task. It just makes sense that we use these tools that are available to us. However I do realize that some of the technology we have is hurting us by making us lazy in some areas but I feel like you can't take away from technology just because it may lead to laziness. I believe it's just up to each person to manage the way they use technology in their everyday lives.

  3. All of us in our blogs are referring to our generation as more lazy than the dumbest generation. I agree! It is so true that there is no reason for us to retain information anymore. You mentioned that in class and as I thought about it, I completely agree. You cram and cram for a test and then as soon as the test is over there is a sigh of relief. With that sigh of relief, all you want to do is forget about everything that was just on the test and often, you will seldom think about it again. That is just the way we have become. In a way it is a bad thing. You spend all this time learning about certain material, which in some classes, depending on your major you need to remember. The internet somewhat reinforces the idea that it is okay not to remember because we can simply "just look it up". So all in all, we are more lazy and use the resources made available to us.

  4. As we talked about in class, I totally agree with your point on us not retaining information as much as previous generations. It is just not something that is essential to us. Maybe that makes us lazy, but I don't think it necessarily makes us dumb. We just know that there are plenty of easy ways to quickly access information that we may want or need to know. Having an extensive amount of knowledge just isn't essential anymore, for better or worse.

  5. Again I'm going to agree with you because I feel that everybody in our group is right. In my eyes again we are lazy more than dumb. We have some of the smartest people in our generation that i know. Of course the generation above us are the ones that have a problem with what are doing because they can't figure out have the stuff we do. That is just my honest opinion. I don't understand why they can't just accept that we are more technologically advanced.
