We focused on a lot of literature that is futuristic examples of how our society may turn out to be someday. I feel shameful at the thought that if technology keeps improving we will become even more lazy and socially inactive. I can only hope that the events that occured in some of the literature we read does not become a reality. The day when we become only reliant on our feeds (computers), burn books, or lose our rights like in 1984.

I truly believe that all great civilizations or countries/empires come to an end at some time and I hope it never happens to the United States, but it won't surprise me if it does. Basically since we have been reading this literature I have been responding by thinking what if this happens and then I started to think when will this happen.

A lot of people will struggle once all of the resources available now are gone. Ever since I started critically thinking about our material I have thought about what I will do. I plan on living in the country with my family and becoming self efficient. We already are self reliant by having our own garden and providing our own food through hunting and fishing. I feel I may be prepared for the worse, but others will not be as lucky.

I'm not just giving up on society though. In fact I plan on trying to give back to society and educate by becoming a secondary teacher. After this class I have the desire to do that even more now and to maybe bring up some of the topics we have discussed in our class. After all the students I will be teaching are the future of our society.

In conclusion I feel that we talked about a lot of topics that we live our lives by today. Technology and the media are such a big part of our lives that its disappointing to see us become lazy and unsocial at times. Or if we do socialize it is only through techonology. What ever happened to enjoying nature and other activities outside with family or friends. All I can say is I hope others in our class thought about some of our topics and maybe want to change something that may be lazy or taken for granted. We can change so that and we can be a successful society for a long time, but i'm afraid if we keep going down this path that it could lead to many of the topics we have discussed.
